A JAR file has a manifest file situated in the path META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. The entries in the manifest file conclude how the JAR file will be used. JAR files which are intended to be executed as separate programs will have one of their classes specified as the "main" class. The obvious file would have an entry such as
Main-Class: myPrograms.MyClass
Such JAR files are characteristically started with a command similar to
java -jar foo.jar
* WAR (file format) (Web Application aRchive) files are also Java archives which store XML files, java classes, Java Server Pages and extra objects for Web Applications.
* EAR (file format) (Enterprise ARchive) files are also Java archives which store XML files, java classes and additional objects for Enterprise Applications.
* RAR (file format) (Resource Adapter aRchive) files are also Java archives which store XML files, java classes and added objects for J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) applications.
JAR files can be created and extracted by the "jar" command that comes with the JDK. It can be done using zip tools, but as WinZip has a custom of renaming all-uppercase directories and files in lower case, this can raise support calls with whoever shaped the JAR or the tool authors themselves. WinRAR, on the additional hand, retains the original case of filenames.
Lighthouse of Alexandria
With a height variously expected at between 115 and 150 meters (383 - 450 ft) it was among the tallest man-made structures on Earth for many centuries, and was recognized as one of the Seven Wonders of the World by Antipater of Sidon. It was the third big and tallest building after the two Great Pyramids (of Khufu and Khafra) for its whole life. Some scientists calculate approximately a much taller height exceeding 180 metres that would make the tower the tallest building up to the 14th century.
Bareboat charter
A bareboat charter is an arrangement for the hiring of a boat, whereby no crew or provisions are contained as party of the agreement; instead, the people who rent the boat from the owner are responsible for taking care of such things.
There are legal differences between a bareboat charter and another types of charter arrangement, such as crewed or luxury yacht charter, commonly called time or voyage charters. In these charters the charterer can direct where the ship will go but the owner of the ship tells possession of the ship through its employment of the master and crew. In a bare-boat or demise charter, on the other hand, the owner gives possession of the ship to the charterer and the charterer retriew its own master and crew. The bare-boat charterer is sometimes known as a "disponent owner".
Banana boat
A banana boat (or a boat made of bananas), often referred to simply as a banana, is an unpowered recreational boat designed to be pulled by a bigger boat. Riders sit astride a big tube which is supported by two smaller tubes which provide balance and footrests, permit them to experience some of the thrill of moving fast and close to the water much more easily and safely than by water-skiing or surfing and they are therefore a popular ride for children. Many large motor yachts or luxury yachts have a banana as one of their onboard "toys", but any powered boat can pull a banana, and they are sometimes available as a commercial ride at holiday resorts. Most models seat middle of three and ten people. Two models with two seating tubes side by side are available. Banana boats are often yellow and are sometimes actually builted into the shape of a banana.
Types of boats
Airboats are needlly flat-bottomed vessels propelled in a forward direction by an aircraft type propeller and powered by either an aircraft or automotive engine. The engine and propeller are covered in a protective metal cage that prevents objects, i.e., tree limbs, branches, clothing, beverage containers, wildlife from coming in contact with the whirling propeller, which could cause devastating falt to the vessel and traumatic injury to the operator and passengers.
The propeller gives a rearward column of air that propels the airboat forward. Steering is accomplished by forced air passing across vertical rudders. There must be a forceful airflow in order to the vessel to be steered. Airboats not have brakes and are incapable of traveling in reverse. Stopping and reversing direction are dependent upon operator/pilot/driver skill.
U-boat is the German word U-Boot; it’s from an abbreviation of Unterseeboot. The main targets of the U-boat campaigns for both world wars were the merchant convoys bringing merchandise from
The distinction among U-boat and submarine is common language usage, but, unknown in German, and the term U-Boot refers to any submarine.